A Covenant of Our Life Together.
We, the parishioners and clergy of the Parish of St. John’s, Lunenburg, are committed to grace-filled and
loving interactions with each other and with the wider community. We trust in the grace of God to
empower us and in the Holy Spirit to guide us as we seek to honour Christ at all times and in all aspects
of our lives. By entering into this Covenant, we acknowledge our mutual accountability and commitment
to live in peaceful accordance with the following Christian values, beliefs, and behaviours.
Respect grounds us.
We will be respectful of each other’s point of view as we seek to understand our differences while
promoting diversity, inclusion, and equity. We will be evenhanded, prudent, and gracious in our
manner of verbal and written communication to and about others. We will remain open-minded and
non-judgmental as we listen reflectively to the needs of others and respond with respect.
Trust strengthens us.
We will strive to recognize the abilities, qualities, and experiences each person brings to our parish,
trusting that we can rely on each other’s integrity and accountability. We realize that gossip,
intentional misdirection, selfishness, and the creation of factions all diminish trust. We will actively
employ humility, curiosity, and courage in all our interactions to shape and strengthen trust.
Kindness and Patience
Kindness and patience nurture us.
We will recognize the worth of every individual and strive to build each other up, not tear each other
down. We commit to deeply caring about each other and will use love to unite us and compassion to
empathize with each other. We will strive to patiently understand another’s feelings and we commit
to being there for others both in times of need and to celebrate their joys.
Honesty and Forgiveness
Honesty and forgiveness transform us.
We know that honesty involves integrity, transparency, and authenticity. We will be honest with each
other and communicate openly and directly. We will release each other from the burdens of
resentment, grudges, and past hurts by practicing forgiveness. We will address conflict directly and
promptly. By nurturing honesty and forgiveness, we will promote growth, resilience, and connection.
Faithfulness and Community
Faithfulness and community bind us.
We are bound by faithfulness to our shared Christian beliefs and values. Community is the lifeblood
of our parish, extending beyond our physical boundaries into the broader world. We commit to unity
and harmony as we seek to enhance our faithfulness and further extend our communal spirit.
June 2024